Monday, November 22, 2010

Bon Om Touk- Water Festival and subsequent stampede

This weekend was the water festival in Phnom Penh! It breaks my heart to say that it ended tragically, with more than 350 people dying in a stampede on a bridge going to Diamond Island, which is not far from my apartment. It is such a tragedy. The city doesnt have the infrastructure for the influx of people that the Water Festival brings, nor does the city do enough to plan in advance by way of toilets or safety precautions. I hope something is learned from this before next year but it is doubtful. The government has already said no one is at fault and no one will be punished because it was an accident. Many early reports suggested people died from electrocution after police sprayed them with water hoses on a bridge with electric cords used for the lighting. Many more were trampled and some jumped off the bridge and died in the water below. Devastating.

This is even more horrible because, otherwise, it was a beautiful event and such a proud moment for Cambodia and especially Phnom Penh. I was having a great time watching the dragon boat races, seeing all the Khmer people from the provinces flood the city, and even seeing the King attend the races.

The morning after the stampede on diamond island, people visit to pay respect and make offerings.

People watch the bridge where the stampede took place as police investigate. There are still shoes and clothes left everywhere.